Foreign trade administration is vastly conducted by the Financial Administration of the SR and export assurances can be provided by a specialized financial institution combining banking, guarantees and insurance activities with the aim of supporting export — Eximbanka SR.Financial administration — CustomsThe Financial Administration came into existence as the merger of the former Tax Administration and Customs Administration into a single organization. The setting-up of the Financial Administration was preceded by the resolution to reform the administration of customs and taxes with a view to unifying the collection of taxes, duties and public insurance. COMPETENCIESExercises the supervision of goods within the customs territory of the EU in relation to the administration of indirect taxes and tax supervision of excise goodsExercises the supervision of compliance with the laws of general application, the legislation of the EU and international treaties through which the trade policy, customs policy, tax policy and the common agricultural policy are implemented in connection with the circulation of goods in trade with third countriesProvides mutual international assistance and cooperation in tax and customs administration matters and in the recovery of financial claimsCarries out duties in the areas of customs tariffs, duty rates, the customs value and classification of goods under the combined nomenclature, the origin of goods and statistics of trade with third parties and between the Member States of the EURequired custom documentation and manuals (Slovak language only)EXIMBANKA SRThe mission of Eximbanka SR is the state support of Slovak export through banking and insurance activities. Its aim is to provide clients with consulting free of charge and a complex form of support and securing of their export activities. Eximbanka SR offers its clients a wide scale of banking and insurance products and also offers the opportunity to combine them. The primary advantage of such a combination is the maximum possible measure of security of offered credits through insurance and a simple process of obtaining financial resources. Eximbanka SR product portfolio is available here. CONTACT For more information on export administration & assurances, please contact