
Business mission to Baku

Business mission to Baku

From September 24 to 27, 2024, a business mission to Baku took place, organized by the Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Baku, on the occasion of the first meeting of the Joint Slovak-Azerbaijani Working Group for Economic Cooperation.

The business delegation consisted of 16 Slovak companies from the information and communication technology (ICT), energy, defense industry, and food sector. These companies had the opportunity to present their products and services, establish new business contacts, and develop cooperation with Azerbaijan. 

As part of the mission, an Azerbaijan-Slovakia Business Forum was held on September 25, which is a significant step in strengthening economic cooperation between Slovakia and Azerbaijan. The forum was organized by SARIO in collaboration with the local partner agency AZPROMO. The forum was opened with speeches by Anar Akhundov, the Deputy Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan, and Kamil Šaško, the Deputy Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic. Egon Zorád, Director of the Foreign Trade Department, also welcomed the representatives of the companies during his speech. Milan Lajčiak, the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in Baku, attended the event. After the opening speeches, B2B meetings followed. 

Podnikateľská misia do Azerbajdžanu

The next day, several B2B meetings took place, aimed at strengthening trade relations and cooperation. Among the key meetings was a discussion with representatives of the petrochemical giant SOCAR, Teymur Gulyev and Javid Mammadov, deputies to the SOCAR vice president, where collaboration opportunities were discussed. There was also a meeting with Khazar University regarding foreign academic and scientific research cooperation, in addition to many other B2B meetings. The representatives of Slovak companies had the opportunity to visit the ADEX 2024 defense industry exhibition, where Slovakia was represented under a national stand. 

The business mission to Baku was a successful event that significantly contributed to strengthening economic cooperation between Slovakia and Azerbaijan. Interest in trade relations between the two countries is growing, as evidenced by the fact that the business forum was the second of its kind held this year.