
Call for submission of project proposals within the Transnational Cooperation Program Interreg Central Europe

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO) in cooperation with the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatization of the Slovak Republic (MIRRI SR) and the Joint Secretariat for Transnational Cooperation Programs of the European Union operating in Vienna prepared a webinar on April 4th, 2023. The topic was introduction of the call for submission of project proposals within the Transnational Cooperation Program Interreg Central Europe.

Within II. call as many as 60 mil. euros were allocated for project submissions for various projects, especially with regard to those projects that are aimed at improving the innovative capacities of companies in Central Europe, helping the industrial transformation of the regions of Central Europe, supporting a carbon-neutral economy, increasing adaptability to climate change, supporting the circular economy, protection of biodiversity, green mobility, transport connectivity as well as strengthening the integration of the regional development.
The representatives of Department of Transnational Cooperation Programs of MIRRI SR spoke at the webinar. They presented the conditions that must be followed by the business entities in order to participate in the given project. An important aspect is the involvement of at least 3 different partners from the Central European region. The framework of the specific objectives that need to be met was presented by the Joint Secretariat of EU Transnational Cooperation Programs based in Vienna as well.
As many as 39 entities, including business entities, participated in the webinar. Many of them asked for practical advice on how their project can succeed in the given project call and what conditions does an applicant need to comply with.

Interreg Program 
The Second Call