
Investment seminar in Hamburg

On April 29, 2014 the Slovak Embassy in Berlin organized an investment seminar together with the trade mission of Slovak companies in the premises of the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg.
10 Slovak and 12 German companies took part in the event. The representative of the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg Mr. Heinz Werner Dickmann and the representative of the East and Central Europe Association Ms. Andrea Bilitewski welcomed the participants in Hamburg.

The Deputy Ambassador of Slovakia in Berlin Mr. Tomas Ferko opened the seminar with the introduction of economic situation in Slovakia, followed by the representative of the German-Slovak Chamber of Commerce Ms. Katharina Getlik who shared the experiences of German companies in Slovakia. The services of the Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry was introduced by its representative Ms. Katarina Hvizdosova. Finally, the presentation part was concluded by the representative of the SARIO agency Ms. Slavomira Lenhardtova who promoted the services of the SARIO agency for foreign investors.

In the following discussion the German companies asked mainly about labour and legal environment in Slovakia. After the end of discussion German and Slovak companies had space for bilateral negotiations as well as individual discussions with the embassy, investment agency and chambers of commerce.