
New investment from Scandinavia

New investment from Scandinavia

SARIO assisted the arrival of the Swedish company CabinAir on the Slovak market. Since the beginning of October 2022, the consultants of the investment projects department have been in contact with the Swedish investor CabinAir, which produces cabin and air filters mainly for the automotive industry. Based on the requirements from the investor, we mainly focused on the location in western Slovakia, where together with the investor we visited potential areas for the location of their operation.

In February 2023, we received information from the investor that he was choosing Slovakia for his new plant among all competing countries. Immediately after this positive message, CabinAir also had its first employee, a plant manager from Slovakia, who is in charge of starting up the factory.

In April of the same year, a meeting was held at the premises of SARIO, where we discussed the questions related mainly to the labor market and labor availability. In May 2024, the investor informed us that they chose the Cromwell hall in Nové Mesto nad Váhom as the most suitable location in Slovakia. At the same time, CabinAir has already started recruiting its first employees. The investment should gradually reach the amount of approx. 1.5 million. EUR and it will initially create 15-20 new jobs.

They will deliver their products mainly to the newly established VOLVO plant in eastern Slovakia, but other car companies are also interested in their products.


Photo credit: https://cabinair.com/