
SARIO at the International Economic Forum in Saint Petersburg

Saint Petersburg


International Economic Forum that traditionally creates platform for presentations, exchange of experiences and negotiations of the business and state spheres took place in Saint Petersburg on 17. – 19. June 2010.


The aim of the event was to find solutions of current issues in the economic development and intensification of cooperation of the Russian Federation with the EU countries, U.S., The Commonwealth of Independent States, India and Africa.  


SARIO agency presented economic environment of the SR, its current progress and the possibilities of the economic cooperation with foreign countries.
In the context of the global economy development the participants of the forum expressed the need for structural reforms on worldwide scale. The current reality means changing economic models, financial systems, technologies and social institutes.


The official representatives of the Russian Federation presented current economic policy of the RF focusing on economy modernization, innovations development and knowledge-based economy. RF will support the development of innovation infrastructure of the universities, incubators creation, technology parks, innovation logistics and engineering centers as well as economic zones.