
Slovakia as the Voice of Smaller Countries in the European Space Industry

Slovakia as the Voice of Smaller Countries in the European Space Industry

The Slovak Space Office – Industry Branch, operating within the SARIO agency, organized the second annual Emerging Space European Industry Summit in Bratislava. The initiative comes in collaboration with the leading European space industry association ASD-Eurospace, aiming to identify opportunities and more effectively integrate new space economies and their companies into established supply chains of major European players. This is a significant initiative because entering the multibillion-dollar space business is exceptionally challenging for new firms in the sector.

At the event, attended by the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, representatives of fourteen leading companies such as Airbus, OHB SE, and GMV gathered, along with representatives from the new space economies of European countries including Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic, Ireland, Bulgaria, Poland, and Austria. The European Space Agency and European Commission representatives responsible for building new industrial partnerships were also actively involved.

„The Emerging Space European Industry Summit helps us build new opportunities for the Slovak industry, as well as establish a relevant international partner position,“ presented the motivation behind organizing the summit Robert Šimončič, Executive Director of the SARIO agency.

Participants presented their current industrial and research & development capacities to outline prospective areas and projects that create opportunities for new partnerships. A portion of the summit's program was dedicated to discussion panels focused on specific collaboration challenges and their solutions.

„The European space sector needs the contributions of “emerging space countries” to truly thrive, to bring fresh perspectives, innovations, and a youthful workforce eager to push the boundaries of space. Besides, the involvement of all European countries ensures a more inclusive and diverse approach to solving challenges that affect all European citizens,“ stated President of ASD-Eurospace, Jean-Marc Nasr.

Thanks to the success of the first two editions, the event organized by the Slovak Space Office has established itself as an important platform for deepening cooperation between established and new players in the European space industry. The significance of the platform was also recognized by the European Space Agency, which has already expressed interest in collaborating on the next edition.