
Successful presentation of Slovakia in China

Successful presentation of Slovakia in China

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency (SARIO), in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in Shanghai, prepared a national stand at the International Investment and Trade Fair (CIFIT), which was held in the Chinese city of Xiamen. At this event, one of the most important Chinese events aimed at supporting investments and bilateral cooperation, Slovakia's investment and business potential was presented. 

Every year, CIFIT attracts representatives of Chinese provinces, foreign investment promotion agencies and many global companies. During the conference part of the fair, SARIO consultants presented Slovakia as an attractive investment destination to dozens of investors.

During the event, they established valuable contacts with relevant companies or associations bringing together Chinese companies in the aviation industry, in the field of hydrogen technology and renewable energy sources. At the same time, they identified several new potential investment projects.

In coordination with the China-CEEC Innovation Cooperation Research Center, representatives of SARIO also organized an investment seminar in the city of Ningbo, which is the center of cooperation between China and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

The Business friendly Slovakia presentation was attended by more than 100 representatives from 40 Chinese companies, universities, associations and consulting firms. After the seminar, SARIO consultants established direct contacts with the participants and discussed several potential investment projects during B2B negotiations.

The significant participation of Chinese entrepreneurs at the seminar confirmed the significant interest in investing in Slovakia.