
Workshop | Practice for Universities, Solutions for Companies

The Slovak Investment and Trade Development Agency along with the industrial innovation cluster INOVATO and the Finnish company Solved recently organized on January 24th a half-day workshop aimed at sharing experiences from the Slovak Republic and abroad in the field of digital transformation of innovation ecosystems, including clusters, innovation hubs and innovation networks at the regional or national level.

The workshop provided an opportunity to obtain information and contacts, engage in discussion with experts from various fields and with potential partners,  expand the business,  and obtain the latest information from global markets in the field of digitization.

The event was attended by representatives of the following institutions: SIEA, Cassovia New Industry Club, Catching-up regions BBSK, CVTI, Globsec, SBA, SAPI, Pronea, Pracuj.sk, Slovak center for digital Innovations, University Technology Incubator, Inovia, and Research and Innovation Authority.