TECHNOLOGICAL AND DIGITAL INNOVATIONS IN ONLINE COMMUNICATION WITH CLIENTSIn recent years, still more companies from various fields of business utilize on their portals and websites various AI-based autonomous, cognitive or conversational technologies such as (chat)bots, advanced search engines or other technological innovations, the purpose of which is to improve and simplify the overall user experience (UX) or interface (UI).This panel discussion will provide space for discussion about current trends in these areas and speakers will also present successfully applied Slovak projects and solutions, through which it is possible to improve and streamline the interaction between the service provider and its existing or potential clients.Moderator:Marek KOPANICKYConsultant and Innovation Services Lead, SARIOSpeakers:Milan OSELSKYHead Of Operations, IPsoft SlovakiaMichal BARLACPO & Co-Founder, Luigi´s BoxMichal KOMPANCRO & Expert researcher, Kempelen Institute of Intelligent Technologies